We’re here to grow in Love for Jesus and Others through passionate prayer, heartfelt worship, Biblical teaching, and selfless giving.

- The Bible is God’s Word, the final authority on life and relevant for everyone.
- That God is eternal and exists in three persons (Father, Son & Holy Spirit)
- The deity of Christ.
- The death and resurrection of Christ, whereby He atoned for the sins of all who call on Him.
- The imminent return of Christ to rapture His Church. We believe that all people are sinners by nature and cannot be saved except through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Holy Living.
- We believe that the tithe is the Lord’s and is to be used to build the church of Jesus Christ.
- The Baptism & the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Water Baptism.
- Divine Healing.
- A literal Heaven and Hell.
- The casting out of demons.
P.A.O.C. Statement Of Essential Truths and Positions And Practices
We Are
Committed To
- Reaching people for Jesus.
- Biblical preaching.
- Heartfelt worship of Jesus.
- Developing Christ centered Individuals who make a difference in their world.
- Missions – Helping to share the Good News of Jesus with others.
- Building strong families.
- Fellowship/meaningful relationships.
- Mentoring children and students.

Statement of
- Love others as Jesus loves us. (John. 15:12-13)
- Impact our community and beyond with the love and message of Jesus. (Mark 16:15)
- Express devotion to Jesus through a lifestyle of intentional prayer, Spirit-led (whole-hearted) worship and application of God’s Word. (1Thess 5:17; John 4:24; Matt 4:4)
- Disciple believers to be committed followers of Jesus, so they will disciple others. (Matt. 28:19)