Reaching The Nations
As the Church, we are called to preach the gospel and take care of the poor locally, nationally and globally. One of the ways we do that is by financially supporting strategic missions efforts around the world.
Missions Core Values
Missions is a core value of Broadway Pentecostal Church. We value people who are unaware of God’s grace, mercy and love. As responsive disciples of Jesus Christ, we believe that we owe them His compassion and that we are called to be the instruments of that compassion. Our practical acts of service clearly show them that they matter to us and, ultimately, to God.
Between local and international missions, it is our desire to replicate the building of strong disciples of Jesus Christ, who will be well-equipped to effectively reach pre-Christians with the loving and redemptive message of salvation in any and every context to the glory of God. Therefore, we will train and equip people who are called of God to effectively serve and / or lead in order to accomplish the work of local and global missions (Luke 15; Matthew 28:19).

Local Missions
Local Missions is accomplished through our Love Orangeville ministry – a philosophy of ministry, a common thread, woven into the fabric of the entire being and doing of the Church. Whether it’s donating food, clothing and more to ‘Choices’ youth shelter and ‘Transition House’ women’s shelter or one of the many fun and exciting initiatives by the Family Ministries department, such as summer camp, outreach to neighbourhood kids, or our energetic adult groups, like our knitting group making and donating gloves, hats and scarves for the needy in our community, EPIK sponsoring little league sports teams, or our Church-Wide initiatives such as the monthly collection for food to donate to the Orangeville Food Bank, the Orangeville Farmers Market corn roast, the annual Hope Banquet at Christmas, which meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in our community, there’s something for everyone to be involved in.
One thing we must never forget is that worship is about God not us.

National and International Missions
International Missions at Broadway Pentecostal Church goes beyond mere sponsorship of missionaries to include active partnership through prayer and participation with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) missionaries and related ministries. Currently, we sponsor three missionary families – Pastor Hector and Ruth Aragon in Guatemala, Pastor Darren and Patty McCrea in Columbia and Pastor Ejay Tupe in Toronto